At the start of 2017 BDS asked the public for help collecting data for the Enclosed and Captive Deer Survey. We wanted to hear from anyone who lives near a deer, farm, park, zoo or other collection or knew of anywhere which keeps captive deer of any kind.


Deer in a deer park


Although the Society has traditionally focussed its attention upon wild deer, one of the foundation elements of the Society’s charitable status is the wider welfare of deer. To assist with this the BDS wanted to create a register of all enclosed or otherwise captive deer of any species in the UK.


It will be the first comprehensive list of its kind and will be an invaluable asset.  Uses, among many other benefits, will include advising the public of where they can view deer, recording endangered species, or allowing us to react quickly to outbreaks of diseases affecting deer.


The results so far

The document link below lists results for establishments that offer public access: name, location, species present and website, sorted by town/county. The first six deer species listed are also present in the wild in Britain, thereafter the ‘exotics’ are alphabetic. Please click on the link to download the Excel spreadsheet. You will then be able to sort the data in any order you require.


The document will be updated when further results come in.


BDS Captive deer survey – 7 Aug 19 – updated 7.8.19


When you click on this link a copy of the spreadsheet will be downloaded onto your computer. You can then go into this to view and save.


Please read the notes below that accompany the document:


  1. You are strongly advised to check opening details before visiting any establishment. Please be aware that circumstances may have changed since they were recorded and some species shown may no longer be present.
  2. If there are any details that you feel should be changed or added, please notify the BDS by email to
  3. Perhaps you know of another zoo, park or other collection of deer, whether open to the public or not, that needs to be added to the list? If so, please complete the simple form here   Download Reporting Form Captive & Enclosed Deer Survey Form 2017

Captive and enclosed deer survey announcement